Hi there!
Thanks for booking with Blade – We are excited to transform your brows!
Prior to your appointment, we would like to familiarize you with what to expect. Because no one likes nasty brow surprises. As you will see, the information provided is quite different for Nanobrows (machine strokes) and microblading.
We will match the colour of your hair however we may use a slightly darker shade. Why? Because the colour will fade 1-2 shades lighter once it is healed. Furthermore, your brows will look quite dark for the first few days – this is all part of the normal healing process.
Please do not wax/shape/tint the brows unless this is done at least 2-3 days prior to your microblading session. It is preferable that you have your brows tidied/threaded/waxed prior to your appointment, and clients with blonde hair will usually benefit with a tint, of course this would ideally be maintained every six weeks.
Botox should be done at least two weeks prior to your microblading session, or one week after. Please advise if you need to reschedule if you are unwell.
Microblading can be done two weeks either side of vaccinations. Avoid excessive sun exposure, and strong facials within a week of your appointment. These can aggravate your skin and make it more sensitive.
Payment: Cash, Bank Transfer
We look forward to seeing you, thanks for choosing BLADE.
AFTERCARE FOR NANOBROWS TECHNIQUE : For the first week only, please wash the brows twice a day with a gentle face wash (Cetaphil, Cerave), gently pat to towel dry, and apply a very thin layer of Bepanthen ointment (provided). No sweating. No swimming/spa/sauna. Shampoo/shower as normal. After the first week you may return back to usual activities.
PRE-APPOINTMENT FOR MICROBLADING: As above, and the following;
Avoid drinking caffeine on the day of your microblading session - very important!
No alcohol within 24 hours of your microblading session
No fish oil capsules within 24 hours of your microblading session
No microblading if you are on blood thinners (e.g. Warfarin, Aspirin) - you will require a note from your GP; please contact for details.
(Sorry about the no coffee/tea! but decaf is fine). These substances will thin your blood and make you more prone to bleeding, but will also prevent retention of pigment being implanted and therefore affecting the outcome. If you are taking blood thinners, you will need a letter from your GP stating they are happy for you to stop the medication for one week prior to your appointment, and you may recommence the medication the day following your microblading.
You will be numbed but it can still be a little scratchy for some people. Hormonal changes (time of the month) can make you more sensitive. Some clients find the first session is painless and the second is more uncomfortable. Taking a couple of Panadol before your appointment makes a difference, even if you’re a little pain sensitive. No ibuprofen/neurofen/codeine or other painkillers though please.
After the procedure is complete, I will apply Bepanthen antiseptic ointment. You will then need to keep your brows dry for seven days, which means avoiding washing them during this time, and avoiding any exercise that may cause sweating, as well as spas and saunas. You can shampoo once in the first week, as normal, just dab your brows dry with a handy towel afterward. Wash your face using a wet cotton pad with face wash, and wipe around the brows instead of splashing them. Dry healing gives microblading a crisper finish. You may like to wash your hair on the day of your appointment, or day prior, to get that extra wash in - see aftercare page.
I will go through more information on the day regarding aftercare instructions. The information provided applies once again when you come for your touch up session 8 weeks later.
Further reading on microblading:
Important! Some redness and slight itching during healing process post procedure is normal. Luckily allergic reactions are extremely rare however if you experience anything else abnormal (e.g. a lot of swelling or shortness of breath) then contact your local emergency clinic.
General instructions for care of all Permanent Make-up Applications:
One touch-up visit is free and must be scheduled for, and completed, at around 8 weeks post procedure. You will lose your free touch-up if you fail to have it done in that time frame unless a special arrangement is made with your microblader on your procedure day. Most permanent makeup procedures are a two-step process. Final results cannot be determined until the touch-up application is completed. The touch-up is intended to fill in any faded strokes caused by the healing and shedding process. Annual touch ups (or thereafter) should only require one visit, but in some cases an extra visit at extra cost may be required as healed results cannot be guaranteed to be the same for each client.
Avoid the following for at least ONE WEEK: sweating, swimming, tanning, steam rooms, jacuzzi, laser/chemical peels, creams containing Hyaluronic acid, Retinol/ Retin-A or Glycolic/Lactic Acid (over your brows), excess alcohol, picking/peeling/scratching the area.
The best results come from the "Do Nothing" or "Dry Healing" method. The absolute best results come from keeping your brows extremely DRY for the next 7 days! Keeping them dry makes them retain more detail, better colour, and crisper strokes, so it's worth it :) It sounds tricky- but can be done if you're mindful of it. Here's how...
Within 2-3 hours after the procedure dab the ointment off your brows with a dry handy towel, repeat if necessary after a few hours.
Keep your face directly out of the shower stream and do your best to carefully wash hair and keep face as dry as possible. Also keep showers brief, as too much steam can harm brows as well. Try to wash your hair a maximum of two times in the first week, keep dry paper towels on hand to pat dry afterward as they will get wet (even if you tilt your head back). If you have one already, a scuba mask will keep your brows dry and you can therefore wash your hair as much as you want.
When washing your face, be sure not to splash water onto your face like you normally would. Instead use a washcloth or a cotton pad to wash AROUND the brows, making sure they stay dry (this is for the first week).
Do not apply any cosmetics on your brows for AT LEAST 7 days. If your skin starts to feel tight and dry around day 7 post treatment, you can use a small amount of fragrance-free moisturizer, such as Cetaphil IF NEEDED to gently moisturize the area once a day. If you do need to moisturize, please do so sparingly.
No heavy exercising or sweating for at least 7 days post procedure. If you want the best color and detail retention, this is crucial.
After 7 days please begin to wash your face normally, including your brows, with a gentle face wash, such as Cetaphil.
Healing Schedule For Microblading
Week 1
Day 1-2: Colour is 20-40% darker than what it will look like healed. Colour is more solid, strokes are more crisp. Mild swelling, redness, and discomfort will subside. Don’t touch.
Day 3-7: Outer skin healing and exfoliation begins where top layers of skin shed causing excess pigment to flake away. Don’t pick at the peeling skin or scabbing. Skin starts to itch. Don’t scratch, tap lightly around the area to alleviate itching. Colour may appear gray. Strokes will be darker during this first week.
Week 2
Day 8-10: Flaking is in final stages. Colour may look gray, light or spotty and in some cases, may temporarily disappear only to reappear later.
Day 11-14: Skin begins to take on normal characteristics again.
Week 3
Inner skin healing begins. Colour starts to come back after disappearing or looking light and patchy. Colour and strokes begin to soften.
Week 4-6
Inner skin healing reaches final stages. Color and strokes continue to soften.
Your 8 week touch up is to go over any of these strokes that have faded and haven’t come back dark enough. All going well, we would expect at least 80% retention after one session.
Enjoy your new brows!